Everyone Should Know This Really Easy Way To Save A Choking Baby


The New York Times reported an average of 12,400 children 14 and under — about 34 a day — were treated in E.R.’s every year for nonfatal choking on food.

St. John Ambulance is dedicated to the teaching and practice of medical first aid. Parents told St. John that over 40% of them have witnessed their own baby choke. And when the organization quizzed these parents on the proper first aid, they found that over four-fifths didn’t know what to do in this situation. To solve this concerning issue, St. John created an incredible advert in the form of a British animation to teach parents how to save a choking baby in a fun, easy-to-follow way.

In the video below, four characters — a pen lid, marble, princess and jelly baby — have had enough of being a choking hazard. They’re here to show you the correct technique to save a choking baby. Starring the voices of David Walliams, David Mitchell, Johnny Vegas and Sir John Hurt, this heart-warming video shows how easy it is to save a choking baby’s life. We all know that infants have a tendency to put anything and everything in their mouths, so this video serves as a great resource for those with curious kids.

This is definitely a video everyone should see, parent or not. Please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!



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