Acer isn’t your average horse, but then again neither is his size.
The little horse has a dwarfism condition that has him standing a mere 22-inches tall, despite the fact that even miniature horses typically stand at least two feet with a max of 34 inches. So as his owner Maureen O’Sullivan says, “he’s a miniature-miniature.” He’s so small, in fact, that she lets Acer roam around her home at her Miniature Horse Farm in Corringham, Essex.
But that’s probably has something to do with the fact that Acer doesn’t think he’s a horse at all. In fact, he feels more comfortable buddying up with the household’s dog instead.
Because of his exceptionally small stature, she says, most people would have had him put down. But O’Sullivan says she thinks he’s “one-in-a-million.” She adds that Acer, whose best friend is the home’s black labrador, is more dog than steed. And he’s something of a therapy animal when he goes on walks into town with O’Sullivan. People frequently stop them on the street to meet the curious animal.
“He has brought so much joy to everybody he meets,” she says. “People just love him. They absolutely love him.”
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