Outdoor cooking can truly be as simple as grabbing a log from the woodpile, thanks to the resourceful folks at Sportes Inc. In a video uploaded on Nov. 26, 2014, this outdoor gear company demonstrates how to split a log and build a stove inside of it, using a simple tool called the MITI-001. The company’s website describes the MITI-001 as a laser-cut disc constructed from 304L stainless steel and includes 4 steel rods to stabilize the device over the log. This outdoor equipment retails for $65 in Canadian dollars, which currently amounts to roughly $50.
In order to use the MITI-001, all you must do is split a round log (ideally around 1 foot tall and 7 to 9 inches in diameter) into quarters and pull the pieces back together beneath the stainless steel grate. From there, you attach the rods to hold the reassembled log in place and simply light a fire inside the pieces (air flows easily through the gaps, fueling the flames). In an instructional video, the Montréal-based company also notes that you can adjust the rods in three different positions, depending on the log’s diameter.
According to its website, Sportes Inc. was founded by Cédric Sportes, a Parisian who grew up spending summers in the French countryside of Béarn. It was there that he developed a passion for the outdoors, and after moving to Montréal in 1999, finally found a location that fostered both his love for fly-fishing and hunting while still giving him the benefits of the big city. An industrial designer by trade, Sportes eventually launched Sportes Inc. as a way to fuse his work in design with the great outdoors.
Sportes describes a 2012 moose hunting trip as the inspiration behind the MITI-001. Prior to the sojourn, he had researched the “Swedish log” outdoor cooking method, claiming that “the ‘buche’ was developed by the Swedish Army between 1618 and 1648.” However, Sportes writes on his website that after giving the cooking method a shot on his hunting trip, he realized that this log stove posed several critical problems, including vertical instability and difficulty managing the airflow between logs. Therefore, the outdoorsman decided to design a tool to make the process easier.
In developing the MITI-001, Sportes has innovated on an old cooking method, bringing it into the 21st century with a durable piece of stainless steel equipment. And even if outdoor activities aren’t necessarily your cup of tea, we can’t help but feel that this log stove would serve as excellent survival equipment in the case of a zombie apocalypse.